EncodingStatic: UTF32 (get)


Gets an encoding for the UTF-32 format using the little endian byte order.

 Public Property Get UTF32 ( ) As UTF32Encoding

Return Values

UTF32Encoding -  An encoding object for the UTF-32 format using the little endian byte order.


The UTF32Encoding object that is returned by this property may not have the appropriate behavior for your application. It uses replacement fallback to replace each string that it cannot encode and each byte that it cannot decode with the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFE). Instead, you can call the NewUTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) constructor to instantiate a UTF32Encoding object whose fallback is either an EncoderFallbackException or a DecoderFallbackException, as the following example illustrates.

Public Sub Main()
    Dim Enc     As UTF32Encoding
    Dim Value   As String
    Dim Value2  As String
    Dim Bytes() As Byte
    Dim Byt     As Variant
    Set Enc = NewUTF32Encoding(False, True, True)
    Value = t("\u00C4 \uD802\u0033 \u00AE")
    On Error GoTo Catch
    Bytes = Enc.GetBytes(Value)
    For Each Byt In Bytes
        Debug.Print CorString.Format("{0:X2} ", Byt);
    Value2 = Enc.GetString(Bytes)
    Debug.Print Value2
    Exit Sub
    Dim Ex As EncoderFallbackException
    Catch Ex, Err
    Debug.Print CorString.Format("Unable to encode {0} as index {1}", _
                IIf(Ex.CharUnknownHigh <> 0, _
                    CorString.Format("U+{0:X4} U+{1:X4}", Ex.CharUnknownHigh, Ex.CharUnknownLow), _
                    CorString.Format("U+{0:X4}", Ex.CharUnknown)), _
End Sub

' The example displays the following output:
'        Unable to encode U+D802 at index 2

Read Only.


The following example determines the number of bytes required to encode a character array, encodes the characters, and displays the resulting bytes.

Public Sub Main()
    Dim Chars() As Integer
    Dim U7      As Encoding
    Dim U8      As Encoding
    Dim U16LE   As Encoding
    Dim U16BE   As Encoding
    Dim U32     As Encoding
    ' The characters to encode:
    '    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
    '    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
    '    Combining Breve (U+0306)
    '    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
    '    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
    '    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
    '    a low-surrogate value (U+DCFF)
    Chars = NewChars("z", "a", ChrW$(&H306), ChrW$(&H1FD), ChrW$(&H3B2), ChrW$(&HD8FF), ChrW$(&HDCFF))
    Set U7 = Encoding.UTF7
    Set U8 = Encoding.UTF8
    Set U16LE = Encoding.Unicode
    Set U16BE = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode
    Set U32 = Encoding.UTF32
    PrintCountsAndBytes Chars, U7
    PrintCountsAndBytes Chars, U8
    PrintCountsAndBytes Chars, U16LE
    PrintCountsAndBytes Chars, U16BE
    PrintCountsAndBytes Chars, U32
End Sub

Private Sub PrintCountsAndBytes(ByRef Chars() As Integer, ByVal Enc As Encoding)
    Dim IBC     As Long
    Dim IMBC    As Long
    Dim Bytes() As Byte
    Debug.Print CorString.Format("{0,-30} :", Enc.ToString);
    IBC = Enc.GetByteCount(Chars)
    Debug.Print CorString.Format(" {0,-3}", IBC);
    IMBC = Enc.GetMaxByteCount(CorArray.Length(Chars))
    Debug.Print CorString.Format(" {0, -3} :", IMBC);
    Bytes = Enc.GetBytes(Chars)
    PrintHexBytes Bytes
End Sub

Private Sub PrintHexBytes(ByRef Bytes() As Byte)
    Dim i As Long
    If CorArray.IsNullOrEmpty(Bytes) Then
        Debug.Print "<none>"
        For i = 0 To UBound(Bytes)
            Debug.Print CorString.Format("{0:X2} ", Bytes(i));
    End If
End Sub

' This code produces the following output.
'    CorLib.UTF7Encoding            : 18  23  :7A 61 2B 41 77 59 42 2F 51 4F 79 32 50 2F 63 2F 77 2D
'    CorLib.UTF8Encoding            : 12  24  :7A 61 CC 86 C7 BD CE B2 F1 8F B3 BF
'    CorLib.UnicodeEncoding         : 14  16  :7A 00 61 00 06 03 FD 01 B2 03 FF D8 FF DC
'    CorLib.UnicodeEncoding         : 14  16  :00 7A 00 61 03 06 01 FD 03 B2 D8 FF DC FF
'    CorLib.UTF32Encoding           : 24  32  :7A 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 06 03 00 00 FD 01 00 00 B2 03 00 00 FF FC 04 00

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class EncodingStatic Overview