Constructors: NewUTF32Encoding


Initializes a new instance of the UTF32Encoding class. Parameters specify whether to use the big endian byte order, whether to provide a Unicode byte order mark, and whether to throw an exception when an invalid encoding is detected.

 Public Function NewUTF32Encoding(
	  ByVal BigEndian As Boolean,
	  ByVal ByteOrderMark As Boolean,
	  Optional ByVal ThrowOnInvalidBytes As Boolean ) As UTF32Encoding


[ByVal] Boolean. True to use the big endian byte order (most significant byte first), or False to use the little endian byte order (least significant byte first).
[ByVal] Boolean. True to specify that a Unicode byte order mark is provided; otherwise, False.
[ByVal] Optional. Boolean. True to specify that an exception should be thrown when an invalid encoding is detected; otherwise, False.

Return Values

UTF32Encoding -  An initialized UTF32Encoding object.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class Constructors Overview