IniFile: GetTimeSpan


Returns a TimeSpan value from the specified key in the specified section of an INI file.

 Public Function GetTimeSpan(
	  ByRef Section As String,
	  ByRef Key As String,
	  Optional ByVal Default As TimeSpan ) As TimeSpan


[ByRef] String. The section within the INI file to search for the key.
[ByRef] String. The key in the section of an INI file to retrieve the value of.
[ByVal] Optional. TimeSpan. The default value to return if the key is not found in the section, or the value could not be converted to a TimeSpan.

Return Values

TimeSpan - 


An INI file contains all values as strings. The value is converted back into a TimeSpan by first attempting to parse the string as a TimeSpan object. If that fails, an attempt is made by testing for a Date value and retrieving the time portion. If an error occurs, then the default is returned.

Passing in Nothing for the default will return TimeSpan.Zero for the default.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class IniFile Overview